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- 9:00am - 1st Service
Lil Tots/Nursery (ages 0-3)
Lil’ K (ages 4-5)
TBC Kids (grades 1-5)
- 11:00am - 2nd Service
Nursery (under 2)
Lil’ Tots (ages 2-3)
Lil’ K (ages 4-5)
TBC Kids (grades 1-5)
Middle School (grades 6-8)
3:15 pm - Ladies Bible Study (see the Women's Ministry page for more info)
7 pm - New Hope & Inspiration A.A. Group
Al-anon Groups & Ala-Teen Group
8 am - Men’s Bible Study
10 am - Ladies Bible Study (see the Women's Ministry page for more info)
7:00 pm - Young Adults
7 pm - Overcomers Outreach - Biblically based support group
WEDNESDAY (youth dismissed after worship)
12 pm - Al-anon Group
7 pm - Midweek Service
7 pm - Youth Bible Study 6th-12th grade
Lil Tots/Nursery (ages 0-3) Lil’ K (ages 4-5) TBC Kids (grades 1-5)
The Bridge Church offers a Midweek Service every Wednesday night at 7pm with a different look and feel than our Sunday morning services. Everyone is welcome!
6:30 - Girl Talk (3rd Friday of the month) - (see the Women's Ministry page for more info)
7-10pm - High School Youth Group (8th-12th grade)
11 am - Ladies Lunch (1st Saturday of the month). Location changes every month and will be announced on social media beforehand.
8:45 am - Men’s Breakfast @ The Bridge Church (Every 2nd Saturday of the month)