(who you'll see in the office!)
Dave Gregg
Pastor Dave serves as our Lead Pastor. He and his wife Ruth have been happily married since 1989, have five wonderful children and (according to their completely unbiased assessment), also have the four greatest grandchildren on the planet. Pastor Dave has a Bachelor's Degree in Christian Education from Freedom Bible College, and has a Master's degree in Theology from Trinity Theological Seminary, through a joint program with Canterbury Christ Church University in England. He's also the former lead guitarist for the same band actor Johnny Depp played in (Rock City Angels).
Email: [email protected]

Chris McKinney
Chris serves as our Associate Pastor and oversees Ministry Development here at the Bridge. He and his wife Katie come to us from Washington state where Chris served as a Children’s Pastor and as a Worship Pastor for the last six years. He studied Bible and Theology at Inste Bible College and is an avid writer and blogger on Substack (Faith Unplugged). He has a passion for Jesus, souls and coffee and is excited to answer the call to reach and disciple the mission field of Eastern Idaho!
Nick and Bonnie Cuesta
Bonnie and Nick serve as our Student Ministries Directors and in worship and online tech. Bonnie attended UConn and is finishing her degree with Grand Canyon University, while Nick is a graduate of Eastern Connecticut State University. Both of them come to the Bridge Church to build and grow our teens and to help others come into authentic worship.

Ruth Gregg
Ruth serves as our Children's Director and Office Administrator. She has a degree from Broward College and over 20 years of experience in small, medium and large church settings. Ruth is also a mom of 5, and has a passion to see the lives of children impacted by the gospel.
Email: [email protected]
Serenah Hamlin
Serenah serves as our Director of Communications and Online Media. She attended Generations College in Chicago and has many years of service in church ministry, in business as a Guest Services Director, Financial Overseer, and Project Manager and as the Co-Director of the Idaho Falls Soup Kitchen. Serenah is a wife and mom, and wants to see her mission field impacted by the ministry she offers.
Email: [email protected]

Jarron Wright
Jarron serves as the Media and IT Director at The Bridge. Jarron was born in Kansas, but has spent so much time in Texas that he now calls it home. He comes to Idaho Falls with over 10 years of media, technology and communications expertise. He is known for his adept communication and teamwork skills, and for thriving in fast-paced, dynamic settings, where his stellar project management and time stewardship abilities shine.
Email: jarron@bridgechurchidaho.com
Eric Hamlin
Eric serves as our Building Maintenance Technician. He has many years of oversight experience in the service industry and currently serves as the Co-Director of the Idaho Falls Soup Kitchen. His heart is seeing that the facilities are always ready for the church!
Email: [email protected]